1. The Seventh Tbilisi International Piano Competition will be held from 1-11 October, 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
2. The Competition is quadrennial.
3. The Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities born after 11 October 1989 and before 1 October 2006.
4. The Competition consists of four rounds: First Round, Second Round, Third Round (Semifinal), Fourth Round (Final with orchestra). 12 contestants will be admitted to the Semifinal and 6 to the Final.
5. The Competition is open to the public in all rounds.
6. The program shall be performed from memory.
7. No work shall be repeated at any stage of the Competition.
8. No changes in the submitted program will be accepted.
9. The order of performances in the Competition will be determined by drawing of lots and will be strictly adhered to throughout the Competition.
10. All competitors must attend drawing of lots on October 1, 2022.
11. All semifinalists will be awarded certificates.
12. All finalists will be awarded prizes, competition medals and diplomas.
13. All prize winners must take part in the Gala Concert without receiving a fee.
14. In the event of any recordings all rights belong to the Georgian Music Competitions Fund.
1. The Georgian Music Competitions Fund will refund 40% of travel expenses to all competitors admitted to the Competition.
2. The competitors will bear the accommodation expenses from the day of arrival till the Third Round. Directorate of the Competition can only help in finding host families (with instruments).
3. The Georgian Music Competitions Fund will cover the accommodation and catering expenses for all semifinalists and finalists in host families offered by the organizer. In the case of living in any place other than host families the accommodation expenses covered by The Georgian Music Competitions Fund will constitute to 150 GEL per day.
4. Accompanying persons shall bear all the expenses incurred by their stay in Tbilisi. Directorate of the Competition can only help them to find proper accommodation.
- May 15, 2022 - deadline for sending documents and complete programs according to all Rounds. Actual timing of each work performed must be stated accurately and the program should correspond to the allotted time.
- June 1, 2022 - deadline for announcing the results of the pre-selection.
- July 1, 2022 - deadline for effecting any changes in the Competition programme.
The following attachments should be submitted together with the application form: (PDF file):
- A copy of an official document (ID-card, passport);
- A copy of a certificate of studies, diploma;
- Copies of prizes won in major competitions (2019-2022);
- C V;
- Letters of recommendation from two eminent musicians;
- Two recent high-quality photographs (JPG File);
- High-quality video recording:
The recording should include a 25-30 minute program selected from the Competition repertoire list: (see Programme):
1. Chopin - one etude
2. Two movements of a classical sonata
3. Any piece
- Laureates of the three top prizes at any member - competition of the WFIMC /Geneva/, will be excused from the preliminary audition by submitting the proving copies of prizes;
- A copy of a receipt confirming transfer of non-refundable Entry Fee of 100 US Dollars/indicate the name of a competitor (no other currency allowed):
- Expenses connected with the money transfer shall be paid by the applicant;
- Indicate the name and address of the Bank where the transfer is made from;
- Send an application, documents and video recording together.
The Conservatoire Grand Hall was built in 1938-1941, when the conservatoire building was undergoing its first reconstruction (Architect: Shalva Tavadze). It was festively opened on January 28, 1942. In 1963 a three manual and forty register “Alexander Schuke Potsdam” organ was installed in the Grand Hall. Its timbre and register specifications were perfectly adjusted to the Hall’s acoustics. Over the years famous organ players such as Isay Braudo, James Dalton, Jean Guillou, Garry Grodberg, Hugo Lepnurm and Leonid Roizman have performed on this remarkable instrument. Renowned Georgian organ player Eter Mgaloblishvili’s career is also inextricably linked with this organ.
During ten years, (1987 – 1997), the Grand Hall did not function. On Manana Doidjashvili’s initiative and the Georgian government’s support the Hall has been restored and renovated, in the result of which the Hall has once again become a very significant cultural center for our capital. In 1998 the Georgian Parliament together with the Republic of Germany restored the organ. The Grand Hall has a seating capacity of 500; it is remarkable in terms of acoustics and can host both symphony and chamber concerts. The orchestra pit makes it possible to perform operas there as well. The Hall has digital audio-recording studio, organ, two “Steinway & Sons” concert grand pianos and all facilities which meet modern standards.
Since 1997 the Grand Hall has hosted annual international festival New Year Music Celebrations.
They feature outstanding contemporary musicians performing, classical and folk music, as well as jazz. The Grand Hall hosts various cultural events like the Georgian Competitions of Musician-Performers and the Tbilisi International Piano Competition, International Symposia on Traditional Polyphony, as well as book presentations, exhibitions of paintings etc.
Georgian Composer’s obligatory work for the II round
Josef Bardanashvili - "სიმღერა აღსავალთა - Canticum graduum"
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia
Ambassador of the United States of America
Ambassador of the Republic of Italy
Ambassador of the Republic of Poland
Participants of The Seventh Tbilisi International Piano Competition:
- Amako Yuki, Japan
- Diakonidze Tedo, Georgia
- Galic Ivan, Croatia
- Hayek Nabeel, Israel
- Kakabadze Lizi, Georgia
- Kato Daiki, Japan
- Kwon Kisuk, South Korea
- Lee Saebeom, South Korea
- Mei Yupeng, China
- Navarro Silberstein Jose Andres, Bolivia
- Rubinstein Tomer, Israel
- Saienko Danylo, Ukraine
- Shi Hanwen, China
- Tsang Hin-Yat, Hong-Kong
- Wang Qizhen, China
October 1-11, 2022
1 October, Saturday |
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Drawing of lots |
2 October, Sunday |
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First Round |
4 October, Tuesday |
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Second Round |
6 October, Thursday |
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Third Round (Semifinal) |
9 October, Sunday |
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Fourth Round (Final) |
11 October, Tuesday |
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Closing Ceremony and the Winners’ Gala Performance |
FIRST ROUND (20–25 minutes)
1. J.S. Bach: One Prelude and Fugue from ,,The Well Tempered Clavier”
2. D. Scarlatti: Two sonatas of the competitor’s choice
3. F. Chopin: One virtuosic Etude
4. One work at the competitor’s choice.
SECOND ROUND (40–45 minutes)
1. One sonata by J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart, L. Beethoven or F. Schubert
2. The work of a Georgian composer* (5-7 minutes)
3. One complete major work or a complete opus or a complete cycle by: F. Schubert, R. Schumann, F. Chopin, F. Liszt, J. Brahms or C. Franck or S. Rachmaninoff
* the work of a Georgian composer could be downloaded from our official website no later than June 1, 2022
THIRD ROUND (Semifinal) (55–60 minutes)
Program must include works of different styles and epochs, the 20th century music among them.
One of the following concertos is to be performed with a symphony orchestra:
W. A. Mozart Concertos in:
- B flat major. K 450;
- G major. K 453;
- B flat major. K 456;
- D minor. K 466;
- C major. K 467;
- E flat major. K 482;
- A major. K 488;
- C minor. K 491;
- C major. K 503;
- D major. K 537;
- B flat major. K 595.
L. van Beethoven
- Concerto no.3 in C minor, op.37
- Concerto no.4 in G major, op.58
- Concerto no.5 in E-flat major, op.73
F. Chopin
- Concerto no.1 in E minor, op.11
- Concerto no.2 in F minor, op.21
F. Liszt
- Concerto no.1 in E-flat major
R. Schumann
- Concerto in A minor, op.54
J. Brahms
- Concerto no.1 in D minor, op. 15
- Concerto no.2 in B-flat major, op.83
P. Tchaikovsky
- Concerto no.1 in B-flat minor, op.23
S. Rachmaninoff
- Concerto no.2 in C minor, op.18
- Concerto no.3 in D minor, op.30
- Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, op.43
S. Prokofiev
- Concerto no.2 in G minor, op.16
- Concerto no.3 in C major, op.26
Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia
Tbilisi City Hall
FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO: Mr. Bob Mejer - for a long-standing friendship and for donating to the Competition Prize Fund;
FOR SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE: Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire;
HOSTING AND COOPERATION TO: The President of Georgia and the Presidential Administration;
PRESENTING “BECHSTEIN” CONCERT GRAND PIANO TO: The BECHSTEIN Representative Office in Georgia and personally to Mr. David Tsitskishvili;
AWARDING SPECIAL PRIZES TO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia; Diplomatic Missions of the Republic of Italy, Republic of Poland and the US embassy accredited in Georgia; Ms. Liza Leonskaja and Mrs. Maia Adamia-Griffin;
AWARDING CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS TO: Mr. Marian Rybicki, Mr. Ariel Cohen, Mr. Henryk Martenka, Mr. Rob Hilberink and Mr. Gogi Tchitchinadze;
CONDUCTING MASTER CLASSES TO: Dina Yoffe, Pavel Nersessian, Andrea Bonatta and Piotr Paleczny;
- The administration of the Music Seminary attached to the V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire,
- Christopher J. Anderson,
- Jana Gašparíková,
- Andria Basilaia,
- Nino Suladze,
- Tamar Tsulukidze,
- Megi Topuridze,
- Tinatin Kekua,
- Nino Kilosanidze,
- “Inex Travel” and Lulu Mardoian,
- Nino Nakhutsrishvili,
- Dito Shvelidze,
- Nino Tavadze and Elene Eliozishvili,
- Mirian Meladze,
- Gvantsa Kotetishvili,
- John Henry Wurdeman V.
HOTELS: “Tbilisi Marriot” and River Side,
RESTAURANTS: Kopala, Ladonina, Elegia, Poliphonia and Tsiskvili,
MEDIA SUPPORT: Georgian Public Broadcasting
- The Jury of the Competition shall have the right:
- Not to award any of the prizes;
- To share prize/prizes except First Prize among the established number of finalists;
- No Member of the Jury may present a competitor who has been his/her student during the period ending 3 years prior to the Competition (2019-2022);
- All decisions of the Jury will be final and beyond appeal.
• Recital in Utrecht - organized by the International Franz Liszt Piano Competition, Utrecht, (The Netherlands);
• Recital in Bydgoszcz/Toruń - organized by the Paderewski International Piano Competition (Poland);
• Recital with the Polish Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra in Gdansk - organized by the artistic director and chief conductor of the Polish Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra George Tchitchinadze (Poland);
• Recital at Salle Cortot in Paris - organized by Marian Rybicky and “ANIMATO PARIS” (France);
• Recital in Israel - organized by the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition (Israel).
Concerts will be held in 2023-2025
• Tbilisi City Hall - For artistry - bronze statuette “Magic Note” - Yuki Amako, Japan
• Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia - For the best recital in the Semifinal - gilt bronze figurine “Muse" - Yuki Amako, Japan
• The Georgian Music Competition Fund Prize - For the best foreign performer of a Georgian Composer’s work – 1. 000 US Dollars - Qizhen Wang, China
• Annarosa Tadei’s special Prize awarded by The Georgian Music Competitions Fund - For the Best Performance of Romantic Music – 1. 000 US Dollars - Lizi Kakabadze, Georgia
• Liza Leonskaja special Prize - For the Best Georgian performer - 1. 000 US Dollars - Lizi Kakabadze, Georgia
• Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Georgia Prize - For the Best Performance of a Scarlatti Sonata - 1. 000 US Dollars - Kisuk Kwon, Republic of Korea
• Prize under the Patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland - For the Best Performance of a Chopin Etude -
1 000 US Dollars - Qizhen Wang, China
• Embassy of the United States of America - For the Youngest Finalist - 1 000 US Dollars - Tomer Rubinshtein, Israel
• “Bechstein” Special Prize - For the best recital in the Semi-final - 1 000 US Dollars - Yuki Amako, Japan
• Maia Adamia- Griffin Encouragement Prize - For the Best Semifinalist who didn’t reach the Final Round - 500 US Dollars - Ivan Galic, Croatia
• Conservatoire Grand Hall Prize - CDs for all Semifinalists with a recording of the Third Round.
*The Prizewinners were awarded The Competition Medals and Diplomas
I Prize 20, 000 US Dollars - NOT AWARDED
II Prize 10, 000 US Dollars - Yuki Mako, Japan
III Prize 7, 000 US Dollars - Qizhen Wang, China
IV Prize 2 500 US Dollars - Lizi Kakabadze, Georgia
IV Prize 2 500 US Dollars - Danylo Saienko, Ukraine
V Prize 4, 000 US Dollars - Tomer Rubinshtein, Israel
VI Prize 3, 000 US Dollars - Jose Andres Navaroo Silberstein, Bolivia
* The amounts are NET.
The taxation shall be done by the Fund in accordance with the Georgian tax law
Jose Andres Navarro Silberstein, Bolivia, VI Prize
Lizi Kakabadze, Georgia, IV Prize
Yuki Amako, Japan, II Prize
Danylo Saienko, Ukraine, IV Prize
Tomer Rubinstein, Israel, V Prize
Qizhen Wang, China, III Prize
DINA YOFFE - I was very happy, to be in the jury of this great event . It seems to me that everyone who where there as members of the jury, participants, guests, became better, wiser! I want to wish you only prosperity and the same inexhaustible energy and love that I felt while in Tbilisi. After a good concert, there is always a feeling that you want to always remember. I have the same feeling that the feast you gave us continues.
RONAN O’HORA - I found my experience on the jury of the Tbilisi International Piano Competition a deeply rewarding one. The competition combines a dedication to the highest musical ideals with a great warmth and generosity of spirit. I admired the evident concern to give the competitors the most positive and beneficial experience and, in these troubled times, the competition provided inspiring evidence of the importance of using the power of music to bring together people from all over the world in friendship and harmony.
PAVEL NERSESSIAN - My experience in Tbilisi international piano competition was healing, which may sound odd. However, the whole event was so brilliant that I can hardly find any other word. In a post-covid era, in a time of political turmoil, when nothing can be planned for sure the competition was the best combination of hard work and unique leisure, which only ancient Tbilisi could bring. A great level of participants, the most professional jury, an unbelievable supporting team were all components in this outstanding event. I understand how much needs to be done for such a success and feel thankful to everyone who made it look like a dream. I wish the Tbilisi competition to keep this highest standard in the future.
SHIGEO NERIKI - I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for welcoming me, along with judges, to your warm reception. It has been ever comforting stay during the competition, and furthermore, the way you have treated us will remain as one of the most memorable events in my life. I sincerely hope that your next competition will have much more greater success. I brought Georgia home with many wonderful memories.
SHAVLEG SHILAKADZE - Highly-qualified, benevolent and yet demanding jury, which I had the honor to be a member of, was evaluating competitors according to the standards of the major international competitions. The competition was perfectly organized. The excellent team of Mrs. Manana Doijashvili kept working gracefully while solving various issues. They were able to do so by manifesting true professionalism and expressing generosity of warmth and spirit; this was appreciated by everyone, including contestants, jury members, competition guests. Sincere shout out to them! The 7th Tbilisi International Piano Competition has added a whole new significant and interesting page in the history of the Georgian music and culture.
ANDREA BONATTA - I tell everyone that Georgia is a wonderful country, with an incredible and very interesting history, with traditions of great artistic and cultural depth, with wonderful people who still know the true passion for their work, and on top of all this, with amazing cuisine and wines! We experienced all this in those few days, and with my colleagues on the jury, we were only confirming these impressions every day. To this I can only add my sincerest compliments to the organization of the competition, which was professional and impeccable. Everything was prepared with great care and attention, and we all felt at ease. The level of the competitors was very good, as we are used to finding in major international competitions. It was a pity that there were so many defections, probably due to the international political situation. But the quality of the prize-winners is beyond question! This competition will have a bright future, and the great boost it has received through the exceptional dedication of Manana Doidiashvili is its real strength! Thanks to our esteemed Friend Manana, to our new Friends Natalia and David (great, both of them!), and to all the staff, for making this such a positive and unforgettable experience.
AKEMI ALINK - I immediately felt the strength and warmth of the people at the Tbilisi International Piano Competition. The location, music and the harmony among the participants and also the jury members were beautiful. It was also very nice that all participants could perform twice. Not only the participants, also the jury members were positive about this. The organization was excellent and their hospitality was exceptional. Congratulations and thank you very much!
TIMOTHY REDMOND - It was an absolute pleasure to have conducted the concerto finals of the 2022 Tbilisi International Piano Competition. The organizing team could not have been more welcoming nor the orchestra more supportive and responsive. There was an ethos of collaborative music-making that made the experience a joy for everyone.